
Monographs and Editorships

2015Demokratie in der Gemeinde (with Daniel Kübler, eds.) [Democracy in the municipality]. Schriften zur Demokratieforschung No. 11. Zürich/Basel/Genf: Schulthess. [link]
2013Demokratische Optionen, demokratische Herausforderungen. Vergleichende Analyse der Schweizer Kantone [Democratic options, democratic challenges. Comparative analysis of the Swiss cantons]. PhD thesis at the Institute of Political Science, University of Bern. Baden-Baden: Nomos. [link]

 Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals

2021“The Democratic Foundations of the Just City. Key Insights From a European Comparative Study“ (with Roman Zwicky, Charlotte Hoole, Eric Chu and Liam O’Farrell). disP – The Planning Review 57(4): 84–99. [link][pdf]
“Urban justice and the populist challenge. Interview with Susan S. Fainstein“. disP – The Planning Review 57(4): 100–103. [link][pdf]
2020“Towards the ‘just city’? Exploring the attitudes of European city mayors“ (with Roman Zwicky, Juliet Carpenter and Patrícia Pereira). Urban Research & Practice (online first). [link][pdf]
 “Urban interventionism’ in welfare and planning: National typologies and ‘local cultures’ in Europe” (with Juliet Carpenter, Patrícia Pereira and Roman Zwicky). Journal of Urban Affairs (online first) [link][pdf].
2018“Mayoral Scalar Strategies and the Role of the Central State after the Financial Crisis”. Local Government Studies 44(2): 204–228. [link][pdf]
 “Metropolitan Challenges and Reform Pressures across Europe – the Perspectives of City Mayors” (with Lluís Medir, Mariona Tomàs and Marta Lackowska). Local Government Studies 44(2): 229–254. [link][pdf]
2014“Liberal and Radical Democracies: The Swiss Cantons Compared” (with Marc Bühlmann, Adrian Vatter, and Hans-Peter Schaub). World Political Science Review 10(2): 385–423. [link][pdf]
2013„Liberale Romandie, radikale Deutschschweiz? Kantonale Demokratien zwischen Repräsentation und Partizipation” (with Marc Bühlmann, Adrian Vatter, and Hans-Peter Schaub) [Liberal French-speaking Switzerland, radical German-speaking Switzerland? Cantonal democracies between representation and participation]. Swiss Political Science Review 19(2): 157–188. [link][pdf]
2012„Ein duales Messkonzept für liberale und radikale Demokratiequalität“ (with Hans-Peter Schaub) [A dual measurement concept for the liberal and radical quality of democracy]. Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 6(1): 161–184. [link][pdf]
2009„Demokratiequalität im subnationalen Labor – Anmerkungen zum Beitrag von Sabine Kropp u.a. in Heft 4/2008 der ZParl“ (with Marc Bühlmann, Adrian Vatter, and Hans-Peter Schaub) [Quality of democracy in the subnational laboratory – comments on the contribution of Sabine Kropp et al. in issue 4/2008 of ZParl]. Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen 40(2): 454–467. [link][pdf]

Chapters in Edited Volumes

2019“Local state-society relations in Switzerland”. In: Filipe Teles, Adam Gendzwill, Cristina Stanus, Hubert Heinelt (eds.): Close Ties in European Local Governance: Linking Local State and Society (Vol. 1). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 367–377. [pdf]
 “Schweizer Gemeindedemokratie zwischen Gemeinschaft und Wettbewerb” (with Philippe Rochat) [Swiss local democracy between community and competition]. In: Daniel Kübler, Andreas Glaser and Monika Waldis (eds.): Brennpunkt Demokratie. 10 Jahre Zentrum für Demokratie Aarau. Baden: Hier und Jetzt Verlag. 206–222. [pdf]
2017“Vertical Relations after the Financial Crisis” (with Marta Lackowska and Daniel Kübler). In: Hubert Heinelt, Annick Magnier, Marcello Cabria and Herwig Reynaert (eds.): Political Leaders and Changing Local Democracy – The European Mayor. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 297–326. [pdf]
2016„Lokale Autonomie und Milizprinzip unter veränderten Vorzeichen – Neue Modelle der Gemeinde- und Schulorganisation“ [Local autonomy and laymen principle under changed circumstances – new models of municipal and school organisation]. In: Markus Heinzer and Judith Hangartner (eds.): Gemeinden in der Schul-Governance der Schweiz –Steuerungskultur im Umbruch, Educational Governance. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 125–145. [link][pdf]
2015„Probleme der Milizorganisation der Gemeindeexekutiven im Kanton Aargau“ (with Andreas Rohner, Thomas Zenger, and Daniel Kübler) [Problems of the laymen organisation of municipal executives in the canton of Argovia]. In: Daniel Kübler and Oliver Dlabac (eds.): Demokratie in der Gemeinde. Schriften zur Demokratieforschung No. 11. Zürich/Basel/Genf: Schulthess. 35–57. [link][pdf]

Articles in Non-Peer-Reviewed Journals, Popular Scientific Contributions

2021„Mehr Chancengleichheit durch soziale Durchmischung – Zusammensetzung der Schulen beeinflusst die Schulleistungen’. Terra Cognita. Schweizer Zeitschrift zu Integration und Migration 38 (Herbst): 110–11. [link]
2019Book review (Freitag Markus, Pirmin Bundi, Martina Flick Witzig: Milizarbeit in der Schweiz), Swiss Political Science Review 25(2): 322–324. [pdf]
 „Quartier bildet“ [Neighbourhood makes for education]. Special issue including commented analyses and abstracts on ongoing research projects. Hochparterre. April 2019. [link]
2018„Politik nebenbei. Bald vorbei?“ [Laymen politics, over soon?]. Lengthy radio interview. Kontext (SRF). July 4. [link]
2017„Bedrängte lokale Schulbehörden“ (with Judith Hangartner) [Local school boards under pressure]. Aargauer Zeitung, February 11. [pdf]
2016„Zur Koordination der Quartiere“ [On the coordination of neighbourhoods]. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, September 21. [pdf]
 „Ehre allein reicht nicht als Lohn“ [Honour alone doesn’t make for a pay]. Tages-Anzeiger, July 9. [pdf]
2015„Mit Straffung und Entlastung die Milizstrukturen in kleinen Gemeinden erhalten“ [In favour of a streamlining and relief of laymen structures in small municipalities]. Centralblatt des Schweizerischen Zofingervereins, 156(1). Online-version available on DeFacto platform. [link]
 „Wie man das Milizsystem verändern muss, damit es überlebt“ [How to adapt the laymen system so it can survive]. Neue Zürcher Zeitung, January 25. [pdf]

Research Reports

2022School mixing: more equity through intelligent school zoning. Optimized school catchment areas for Swiss cities (with Adina Amrhein and Fabienne Hug). Study report No. 17 (Engl.). Aarau: Centre for Democracy Studies Aarau. [link][slides]
Mixité scolaire : plus d’équité grâce à un zonage scolaire intelligent. Zones de recrutement scolaire optimisées pour les
villes suisses
(with Adina Amrhein and Fabienne Hug). Study report No. 17 (français). Aarau: Centre for Democracy Studies Aarau. [link][communiqué]
2021Durchmischung in städtischen Schulen – eine politische Aufgabe? Optimierte schulische Einzugsgebiete für Schweizer Städte (with Adina Amrhein and Fabienne Hug) [Social mixing un urban public schools – a political task? Pilot study: City of Zurich]. Study report No. 17 (deutsch). Aarau: Centre for Democracy Studies Aarau. [link][slides]
2014Die Milizorganisation der Gemeindeexekutiven im Kanton Aargau. Rekrutierungsprobleme und Reformvorschläge (with Andreas Rohner, Thomas Zenger, and Daniel Kübler) [Laymen organisation of municipal executives in the canton of Argovia]. Study report No. 4. Aarau: Centre for Democracy Studies Aarau. [link]

Data Sets

2017Data set on municipal elections in 10 Swiss cantons, 1959-2015 (with Fabrizio Gilardi). Unpublished. Zurich: University of Zurich.
2012Datensatz zur Demokratiequalität in den Schweizer Kantonen, 1979-2009 (with Hans-Peter Schaub) [Data set on the quality of democracy in the Swiss cantons, 1979-2009]. Bern: University of Bern, Institute of Political Science. Data set [xlsx], codebook [pdf], methods paper [pdf].

Conference Papers

2019“Spatializing ‘just city planning’: An evaluation of citywide planning policies in relation to ghettoization and gentrification” (with Roman Zwicky, Charlotte Hoole, Eric Chu and Peter Lee), paper presented at the City Futures conference (EURA/UAA) in Dublin. [pdf]
 “The democratic decline in rural towns and agglomerations. The case of electoral competition and turnout in Switzerland”, presentation held at the SPSA-Congress in Zurich.
2018“‘Urban interventionism’ in welfare and planning: National typologies and local ‘cultures’” (with Juliet Carpenter, Patrícia Pereira and Roman Zwicky), paper presented at a special issue workshop in Florence.
 “Switzerland: Are School Boards Using Their Leeway for School Mixing?” (with Adina Amrhein), presentation held at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers in New Orleans. [pdf]
 “Towards the Just City? Attitudes of European City Mayors Heading Towards the Just City” (with Roman Zwicky, Juliet Carpenter and Patrícia Pereira), paper presented at the Annual Congress of the Swiss Political Science Association in Geneva. [pdf]
2017“Spillover effects in women’s political representation” (with Fabrizio Gilardi), paper presented at the EPSA Annual General Conference in Milan. [pdf]
 “Women’s representation in Swiss municipalities, 1959–2014” (with Fabrizio Gilardi), paper presented at the Annual Congress of the Swiss Political Science Association in St. Gallen. [pdf]
 “Citizen-Elite Congruence? Attitudes towards Local Governance Reforms in Switzerland and Germany” (with Michael A. Strebel), paper presented at the Annual Congress of the Swiss Political Science Association in St. Gallen. [pdf]
 “What determines the structural power of business? City mayors and their concern for economic growth” (with Raphael Reinke), paper presented at the Annual Congress of the Swiss Political Science Association in St. Gallen. [pdf]
2016“Leading the Inclusive City in Switzerland – Cooperation, Strategy, or Both?” (with Lineo Devecchi and Jasmin Gisiger), paper presented at the Annual Congress of the Swiss Political Science Association in Basel. [pdf]
2015“The Democratic Foundations of the Just City: Comparing Urban Planning Politics in Lyon and Zurich” (with Juliet Carpenter and Roman Zwicky), paper presented at the AESOP conference in Prague. [pdf]
2014“The Democratic Foundations of the Just City: Towards a Comparative Framework”, paper presented at the City Futures III in Paris, Joint Conference by EURA and UAA. [link]
2013„Assessing Democratic Urban Governance: Towards a Comparative Framework“, paper presented at four conferences: WPSA meeting in Hollywood CA, UAA conference in San Francisco CA, MPSA in Chicago IL, and CPSA in Victoria BC. [link]
2012„Assessing Liberal and Radical Democracy and its Political Support“ (with Hans-Peter Schaub), paper presented at the EPSA General Conference in Dublin. [pdf]